Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Key to Your Success in 2016

There are a lot of great books that have been written on success and how to achieve it. Andy Andrews recently came to town and he does offer a fresh perspective on how to be successful. But out of all the books that I have read the number one principle for success is this: Seek God’s kingdom first for your life. Jesus taught his disciples this: “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33) This principle can be seen at work even in the Old Testament. King David was a man after God’s own heart and he sought the Lord in everything and when he didn’t we know of his sin it is written out for us in the Scripture. King Solomon who followed his father King David, walked with the Lord but then strayed from the Lord and the Lord disciplined him. Now after these two kings there are two phrases that will catch a person’s eye when reading 2 Chronicles. Those kings who did not seek the Lord and did not experience success will have this phrase in common: ‘And he did evil, for he did not set his heart to seek the Lord.’ (2 Chronicles 12:14) So those kings who did not seek the Lord did not experience God’s blessings or his presence, instead they experienced his discipline and in most cases and untimely death. But there are other kings in King David’s line who sought the Lord and they experienced God’s success. King Abijah called on the Lord as did his son, King Asa in time. This is written about King Asa, ‘And Asa did what was good and right in the eyes of the LORD his God.’ (2 Chronicles 14:2) The key to having success in your life is seeking the Lord. Let me explain, when you are seeking the Lord, remember you are seeking a relationship with a person, his name is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Second, to experience success, you will want to bring your heart in line with what’s on his heart. In another word’s you will want to do His agenda and not yours each day. Third, we must take responsibility for what the Lord has entrusted to us. This encompasses your whole life not just a portion of it. So how do we bring our heart in line with what’s on God’s heart, how do we seek this relationship with the Lord and take responsibility with what he has entrusted to us? Spend time with him daily in his Word. If you have never read the Bible before, start in John’s Gospel. If you would like to learn more about having a relationship with Jesus Christ this year I invite you to attend a local Church this Sunday. If you have a question just send me an email

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